Friday 21 July 2017


                "Misery gives a certain solace. You remain in crowd. Everyone comes and keeps asking what is wrong. And when you answer, they say – “Oh! So sad!”,“Sorry, it happened this way.” And you feel you are somebody. You are not alone. What is happening to you is happening to everyone. You are ‘normal’. No one comes to disturb you, no one expects anything from you, no one says anything to you. Who wants to be blamed for hurting a miserable person? So all the boyfriends, girlfriends, wives, husbands, couples, couplets, families remain in misery and pretend to each other that they are happy."


Truthfulness will have its own hard way. Because you don’t know what is right or what is wrong. You are just being honest about whatever is. The people close to you might start pulling away. But face the danger, take the risk. Even the dogs keep barking when no one is around.
                             Be a lion and roar in the face of danger.

                             You don’t need to keep roaring. Roar once and let the silence that follows do its work.

Love is not Slavery

Love is not slavery. Not physical nor mental. Love will bring a great responsibility. And the only responsibility is being honest. Right or wrong doesn’t matter. If you are accepted for your honesty, good. If you are rejected for your honesty, good.


“The other night, suddenly, the lights went off. Everything dived into deep darkness and silence. A thought struck me about how death is going to feel like. It would be sudden, unexpected in darkness and silence. Everything will part from me in a moment’s notice. The clothes I wear, the bed o which I sleep, things which have been learned and things which have been unlearned, all the realizations and understandings, the memories of joy and misery, the moments with loved ones.
             All, just in a moment’s notice. For the first time really, the fear of death struck me. Honestly, it was horrible.
              And, the lights went on suddenly.

              And really, for the first time light entered my soul.”