Friday 17 March 2017


             Of all the talks that are necessary, why do we always forget the one with our own selves? Of all the arguments that we put up, why do we fear to put up those, in ordr to preserve self-respect? Of all the people who are close and important to us, why do we always avoid the most important?...Guess who...
              Why is always that only when someone starts turning back to you makes you realise that they are no more interested in talking? Why are you not smart enough to acknowledge it before? To put it more bluntly, why do you need to be throwed down with saying that they are bored of you? Why can't you just read it off their face? Their gestures?...
               Life is an amazing journey. A journey in which the destination itself is the starting point. It is amazing to see how people who used to play to get into talk with you are the one who don't even have time to read out your views...Or perhaps: it is your mistake.
               " आपलाही कोणालातरी कंटाळा येऊ शकतो, ही जाणीव फार भयप्रद असते"
                 जेंव्हा एखाद्याला ही जाणीव होते तेंव्हा तो मुळापासून हलतो. The only thing that he doesn't understand is: why?...
                 But gradually he starts to understand...
                 The greatest mistake of a mystic? To reveal his mystery. The greatest mistake of a magician? To reveal his trick...Because he is valued only till he has the trick. When others know it, he is just an ordinary guy...
                 The world doesn't really value goodness. It needs something bad to compare with. There is an old witty sentence, you might have heard: "The problem about being punctual everytime is that there is no one present to appreciate it!"...Well...the same goes with other aspects. Sometimes you show so much understanding that people take it for granted. Sometimes you open yourself so much that people forget that it is by your choice that you are doing that. Sometimes you keep yourself so much away from using power, you keep yourself so much friendly that people start to mistake it as your inability or weakness.
                      One might be fooled into believing that being open about everything is a higher moral value. A mystic might think that sharing his secret with the world, the world will be happy.
                   But is it so?
                   A magician revealing his trick becomes an ordinary man, just like others. Does his magic trick makes everyone else magician?...Of course not!
                   Keeping secrets, perhaps, is not that bad thing, as we might think. Or, let me just put into a better way: I am always an open book. You have each chapter, each line to read, again and again. But there is also a skill called 'reading between the lines'. You need to have that. Or else, you will know me by heart but not by heart...
                    Anyway, it feels nice to write again, after a long time. All the reasons that i keep giving for not writing are all full of bullshit (as you might have sensed already!).

                    Hope to keep writing more frequently. Sometimes a bit serious, sometimes a bit light. Sometimes, randomly philosophical. I can't guarantee it to be good or better in any sense nut i can add just one more thing to back it up...more life in it!

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