Friday 17 March 2017


                                What is letting go? I used to ask myself a lot. I used to think it means saying goodbye to people or things or putting an end to situations which make you feel worried, vulnerable. But then I realized, letting go is holding the door open and watching people come and leave. Sometimes, you feel pain when some of people are leaving. You want to shut the door and keep them inside forever. So much great they have been and so much great have been the moments that letting them out mean they will take all that with them.
                                    Or sometimes you want to shut the door on someone’s face because they left the house. You don’t want to let them in. But don’t.
                                    Shutting the door before someone leaves is fighting. Shutting the door after someone has left is running away. Don’t fight nor run away. Letting go means holding the door open and if you feel like crying because someone is going, cry. If you feel angry, be angry. But nevertheless, keep the door open. Let those who want to come, come, those who want to stay, stay and those who want to leave, leave.
                                     If you make people to remain in the house against their will, they will take revenge on you, unconsciously. Because it is not their home, not everything is in the way they want. So, they will try to convert your home into theirs. And then you will be restless. And you will fight with them on the subject – ‘What is the best way for a home to be?’
                                    Instead, let them go, let them make their own home, let them be in it. So, even you can go to visit them at their place, you can become their guest someday. And do not shut the door at someone’s face, because it will be only you who is denying yourself great moments.
                                    Whole world has become hell because someone is holding someone against their will. Husbands and wives, girlfriends and boyfriends, friends…Schools holding children against their will, religions holding people against their will…And thus the silly questions have started…
                                    ‘Which religion is better than other?’
                                    ‘Which nation is the best in the world?’
                                    ‘Which is the greatest culture in the history?’
                                    ‘What is the ideal character of a man or a woman?’
                                    ‘How should a boy behave and how should a girl behave and what is the right way of behavior between boys and girls?’
                                    ‘What is the ultimate purpose of life?’
                                    ‘How is sacrificing yourself for others, society, nation the greatest value?’
                                    And so on…
                                    But all these questions are as silly as ‘What is the best way for a home to be?’…Because, there is not. There is no best way to keep your hair, no best way of dressing…There is no best way of nothing…Just let everyone leave and be at their own home so no one will care about what is the ideal way of a home. They would be happy in their own homes.
                                    What is wrong with the world? It is in the fact that if two men say they hate each other and they want to kill each other, they are ready to go to war, use missiles, nuclear bombs and destroy people who are not even involved in the conflict in first place, then it is okay for the society. They will help them, nurture their ego, and idolize them. But if two men say that they love each other and want to embrace each other gracefully and kiss each other and no harm is being done to anyone in anyway, it is not acceptable. If one woman keeps other woman under her domination, will, her daughter, daughter in law or anyone for that matter, it is ‘the way it always has been’. But if two women say that they love each other and they want to kiss each other, want to make love with each other, society will condemn lesbians.
                                    ‘What is wrong with these fucking idiots?’…
                                    If a man wants to build his muscles, tone his body and show off wearing shorts, it is okay. But if a woman wants to tone her body, beautify her attributes…these fools start talking.
                                    You think that everything is happening out there between someone else, you are wrong. Everything is happening right within you. We have become experts in blaming governments, parents, teachers, leaders etc. We have become experts in pushing responsibility on others.
                                    First, you will have to look inside to see, whom you are holding against will. Then you will realize which foolish bastard is holding you against your will. The home that you are fighting for is not your home in the first place. You are a prisoner. You have been imprisoned for so long and in such a way that you have forgotten that it is still a prison. You are not at home. You need to get out, get past some foolish bastard.
                                    Because the world is not confined to the walls that you see. It is exactly outside. It is outside the prison that you will find your home, your place, exactly suitable for you. 
                                    What are you waiting for?
                                    Go and Let go!
                                    Stand in the midst of chaos and open your hands. Let everything slip away. Let everything lose. Then, what remains is enough.

                                    “Those who live in huts, dream of having the palace. Those who live in palace, fear losing the palace. Those who live…know that happiness has got nothing to do with the palace. It has got to do with the losing the dream and the fear.’ 

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